Jan 09, 2006 23:47
Alright its been over a month time to update so its going to be a long one.
Lets start the weekend before finals. It was me and the girls running around owen hall drunk looking for the aussie guy. Turns out he was in Owen's room in McDonel not Owen hall haha. There was the girl from my aerobics class there. That was cool. Then there was finals week highly stressfull because i had to do well on all of the finals. Tuesday was my Physics final. My TA is awsome and spent all day studying with me and 4 other girls. He is so awsome. I got back from studying to find an interesting voice mail. It was from lance telling me he was sorry and please forgive me call me. So I delt with him after the final. We aruged and he told me he missed me and he was an asshole and all that good stuff. This time around I told him that it was going to take more then an "I'm sorry" So he came up to state and spent the night. I'm suck a sucker. I should never talk to him again but instead we kissed and god he hasnt kissed me like that in years. There is only a few people that kiss me like that.
On wednesday I studyed all day for stats. Steve came and helped me a little bit. Then I ended up going to kettering for the night.
Thursday was stats final and then friday was orgo. I went home that night.
I went over to Brett's apartment on friday night he had a fifth of jack daniel's waiting for me. I celebrated no more ORGO!!!! Shawny was there with his girl I ended up introducing her to jack daniel's I felt bad when she got so sick but it wasnt my fault completely cause the boys got her to drink beer on top of it. We played beer pong I used JD and Coke (to give you an idea of how drunk i was) I made one drunk dial that was really fun. I ended up sleeping in Brett's bed cause i he said he was going home to his parents house so it was really akward when i woke up with him next to me. haha
Saturday i did nothing but watch the lifetime movie marothon!! I loved it
Sunday i started working at the kennel again.
After that i'm not sure the order of events. I made christmas cookies I did some christmas shopping. Worked at the kennel. Hung out with Jessie, hung out with krista hung out with brett. One of the nights I got drunk with brett and jon and ann playing outburst but we turned it into a drinking game.
Christmas eve was church. Christmas was fun. We got up in the morning and did presents then i went to work for the morning shift since i made double. My dad's family came over in the afternoon (my mom's mom left before x-mas cause she is mean like that.) We had dinner and did presnts and hung out. I got ot spend time with lorain. I was really excited to give her present!! I got a lot of good stuff for x-mas. I got a disney snowglobe. I now own 9. I got a jack daniels zip up hoodie, It is amazing. Krista got me a Jack Daniels tank so i put those on with my JD PJ pants and posed with a fifth. I keep joking about how i should send it in and become a spokes person haha. I got a bunch of gift cards too.
After Christmas I worked. I did a lot of shopping. I've decided that i have a problem with spending. So my new years resoultion is going to be to save more money. I went out to walled lake on friday the 30th. I saw john for a little bit then i met with lance at his new place and met his step brother and his new friends. I got a few kisses good night.
New years eve was eventful. I saw justin for a little bit. On the drive home I talked to "B" about the bar. I was going out there for an hour for his b-day before i went to the party at my house. While talking to him he is like i have a good lance story for you. I was like let here it. Then he says "Lance has been scared for a month to tell me about his g/f since i'm good friends with her" I was pissed i screamed maybe he shouldnt be kissing me then. Then he got all mad since he is friends with the girl. I called lance and acted cool asking him how his day was, what time was he going to the bar, how was work, and finally i throw in when were you going to tell me about your g/f? Then he tried justifying everything saying he only wanted to be friends and what happened at state only happened because he got cought up in the moment. I kept telling him that we cant be friends. Then he tells me how his g/f is going to be at the bar cause she works there. I'm like your an idiot you just gave me all of the power. I think your g/f and i should talk tonight. He got all upset and decided that he did have gas to come to canton to take a pic with me that i had asked him all week for. I told him thats all i wanted for x-mas. At that point it was a little late but it was still fun to make him drive all the way out here and make him talk to my mom. (She hates him and he knows it) I saw him at the bar he left when i got there, I had fun with B for a little bit. Then I went how and got drunk with my parents and neighbors. That was surprisingly fun.
I worked both shifts on new years day making double that was a nice pay check.
Jessie and I hung out. Had an ice cream and movie night. i miss those.
My parents left me the house. when they went to Tenn with my sis to see my aunt and uncle. Brad came over and we had pizza and watched basketball. It was fun just to hang out with him again. Even if he did make fun of my cat.
I did some more shopping. I hit up the Victoria secert sale. I got some really cute stuff I just have to find someone to show them to now haha.
Friday i hung out with Richlene. We got manicures and Pedicures. I hope i marry someone whose mom loves me as much as richlene loves me. I took he dinner at work on thursday. we ran around doing some shopping and got lunch on friday after we got our nails done.
Saturday I got my hair cut then I went to canada for kristen's 20th b-day!! That was a lot of fun. it took me a lot of drinks to get drunk and then it hit me. We got to dance on the bar in a cage we were running things. This one guy got me like 4 drinks. He was pretty good looking him and his friend kept telling me how pretty and hot me and kristen and i were. I dont usually let things like that go to my head but after dealing with lance again it was nice to know that he isnt the only guy that notices me. It was me, kristen, Jess, and steve. It was a really fun night. Kristen and i ran around town in our club clothes freezing. It was just soooo much fun. I spent the night at kristens. then sunday i spent all day packing. Got here at state and had a meeting then unpacked. I forgot to move my car so this morning i had a ticket.
Today was good. My classes so far so good. I had dinner with the girls. Then I watched that lifetime movie for the love of a child. It was sooo good. I cried. And now its time for bed
I know there was a lot more that happened over break but that is all i can think of now i mean it has been over a month