Jan 12, 2005 20:25
Wad up Crackers? Nm here, chillin chillin, yawll know how I do lol. Anyway, moving on, LIFE seems to be getting better from what just currently went down, but the thing is, IM NOT SKIPPING AT ALL FROM NOW UNTIL 2/8!!! IF I MENTION ANYTHING TO ANYONE ABOUT SKIPPING I WANT YOU TO KICK ME REALLY HARD IN THE SHIN, THANK YOU. Moving on. Today fuckin sick. 2hr delay, got to sleep^.^ School was school like always, Glen stole Kyles Bookbag before first period, classes like always, lunch had to eat inside once again cuase "it was too cold to eat at the pavillion" WTF its not cold until your piss freezes in mid-air..there-for, its not cold yet lol. Once again, Ive come to the conclusion that my global teacher is nuts...he yells at us for tryin to leave early, then he sticks his head out to look for security and when he decides there are none, he grabs me and Vinny and throws us...literally throws us, out the door and says "Quik run before security sees you and if they do, tell them you got kicked out" Hes so stupid, hes crazy but he can be cool lol. So after school went over to Glens to go snowboard. I was rocking the emo snow pants, they were tight as fuck lol. Anyway, Frankie and Glen made me sign something saying I wouldnt sue if I got my ass beat on the hill lol. I give them credit for tryin lol. So anyway, I had to take two runs down to make sure I still knew what I was doin, then I fuckin got stupid and tried to go off the jump and hit the rail (Bad Idea) Went off the jump crooked hit the rail and busted my ass, and hit my shin on the rail ... now my knee and shin are swollen lol. Later we went inside and grabbed Glens video camera so we could tape ourselves getting our asses kicked by the rail...Frankie went first and did the funniest fuckin face plant I had ever seen, his face slid like 2feet through the snow...and being Frankie he gets up and says "wad up crackas" lol. I went next and nearly missed the rail all together but I busted my ass once again, and got soaked cuase I landed in a puddle lol. Glen went and Glen being Glen acctually did the rail and showed us up lol >.< Moving on, a little while ago, I went to scouts and told them I was quitting, so its officail im done with scouts, unless I can find a better troop, but honestly Im not searchin to hard lol. So thats about it people ... update sometime later ... PEACE!!!