May 21, 2005 13:48
well yesterday me and alyssa went to the mall w/ dj evan and fun fun!! then we went over to umm alyssas house and hung out till like 11 then went back to alyssas and spent the night and talked on the phone to dj and tim 4 a while .... we were talkin to evan online... this morning we went to but we workd in the nursery..then walked home to my house then got ready for alex's party but then we went to caribou coffee and then we went to alysas house again and got ready sum more but now its raining and we r we donno if we r gonna go or not.. we were gonna go to tims today w/ him and dj but my mom was bein gay and wants to meet then...oh wow that'll be fun..i think they're comin over this goin to cca thursday i think....update later....<3 ev-el-lyn