(no subject)

Dec 02, 2004 15:36

I'm gettin sick of my old friends...it's like they can't have any kind of fun unless they're fuct up on something...whether it be weed or crack they don't give a fuck. They just CAN NOT stay sober if it would save them from being penetrated with a beer bottle. I just don't see what the fuck is so great about drugs. When you're growing up, that's different. like you know...all young fucks experiment. but when you've done all of your experimenting and now, you know...maybe it's time to move out of your mom and dad's trailer in the front yard (JEDD!!!) or you wanna move out and grow up because you're 23 and your mom and dad still ground you (DANIEL...) I just think all my friends are stupid...I've grown out of them or something.

So when I meet new people I totally take advantage of that because maybe I'll find someone worth talking to or hanging out with. Not that I think I'm better than anyone else or anything. Cuz when I read this to myself, that's what it sounds like. but no. That's not what I'm getting at. This is pointless to even write about. ANYWAY...fuck.
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