If any of you live close enough and are free next weekend, I encourage you to come to this event to worship and meet with God... even if it's just for a night, I guarantee it will be worth it. The teaching and preaching are amazing and it's free!!! (but you need to register) go to
http://www.IHOP.org/onething for more info and to register. hope you can make it!
What is onething?
onething is a ministry to young adults run by young adults. We are a part of the International House of Prayer Missions Base, where there has been nonstop, live prayer and worship for over seven years .
Our passion is for young adults to pursue the "one thing that is needed" (Luke10:42). Each year, we have over ten conferences around the nation imparting vision and giving practical ways of how to apply the message of "onething".
In Psalm 27:4, king David prayed, "one thing I ask, this one thing I seek, that I may behold the beauty of the Lord" We believe both David and Mary were models for young adults today, that they would despise thoughts of riches, honor and power compared to experiencing and seeking His Beauty. We desire to see millions of young adults have deep understanding of God