Sep 01, 2004 20:52
yesterday i woke up at like 6, and looked at the time and all of a sudden my neck popped, and i started to scream & cry.. so my mom came running in and i couldnt move at all, it was really scary, so yeah it was about 9:00 now.. and i finially got up, i was crying for 3 hours.. hehe i hurt really bad.. i get up and im like "I HAVE TO GO TO SOCCER" and my mom was like "no, u cant play" and im like "yes i can" so i get start to stand and i just started to cry again.. but yeah i ended up going but not playing and at 11:30 we went to the doctor.. they had to tottaly disloacte my neck, because my disk or something was moved so they just popped it out.. that was freaky cause all of a sudden i have no feeling in my neck lol than they popped it back in, witch hurt so i started to cry again, and i have strained muscles in my neck.. it doesnt hurt as bad as yesterday it actually feels alot better today, thank god. so i got home and i just iced and put heat on my neck..
dustin called me last night, and my phone died on him (or i just hung up ahaha jk) yeah well anyway i woke up around 11-12 and just sat around until i had to get ready for soccer, we thought we had a scrimmage but it got cancled so we had pratice till 3:30.. but me, kierstyn, lizb, jordan, and alot of a other girls stayed to watch the boys play.. at halftime we went to 7-11 wow that was sweet.. im in the car with erin, jess, kier, and jordan.. and all of a sudden kierstyns mom comes driving by and she is like "WE HAVE TO TURN AROUND! NOW! ERIN TURN AROUND!" haha it was really funny.. cause she isnt aloud in the car with senior so we came back and we were sneeky.. we were lik 300 yards behind her and we jus went the opposit of what kiers mom did lol it was great.. than it was just me and the seniors in the car, and we went to 7-11 or WAWA i forget.. and jess paid for me, i love her :)<3
i saw corey hahahah he was running with his football guys, he ran into me, so i ran after him and punched him, cause im toughh.. not.. but yeah it was cool
today i came home and cleaned my room and got all my clothes ready for school, so yeah than i went to the outlets and got 2 pairs of shoes.. 1 with backs and 1 without.. the 1 with are so hott i love them<333 ahhh its great kayla ull love them! haha
yeah well my sister has to get on.. so laterr