Jun 14, 2006 12:21
I have gotten teh idea to walka roudn witha miniture gonk and ring it at people in rest areas...thsi will either get me arrested or pooped on but it would be worth it for your entertainment only...My current falling in love has inspired me to write again in this blasted journal... yes I am in love everyone...and I know the person is reading this...so ill leave it at that...p.s. to all first time viewers of this journall...please view the yellow monkey and imagine this is me when you read every entry in this journal.
ok so I got up at 10:30 a few months ago...about feburary...ready to start my day of crap...I turned on the coffee pot and prepared myself a scrumptious bagel with tuna sauce and cheese. I sat down...plomped on the couch and grabbed my film watching hat...wich consists of a ball cap...but with two sides...if the movie is bad...I twist the hat to the left...if its good I twist to the right...and if its decent I twist both ways...if the door bell rings I twist both sides up and answer the door much to the other persons dismay and shock at what is happening. so without fuirther a choo here is my reivews
Black Woods-1/2 stars.
Ok now this is uwe bolls only movie that doesnt have to do with a video game. It starts off very fishy...everyone speaks like white people and it has the brother of christian slater wich no one even cares abou anymore...i feel bad for uwe being so desperate as to get CHRISTIAN SLATERS BROTHER...now if you saw CHRISTIAN SLATER'S brother on a movie poster would you walk in...without buying popcorn first? out of such excitement? or would you buy popcorn first? see you probably answered teh second one because this is a fialed marketing trick..anyways I forgot all about this movie and all I remember is Clint Howard saying his line two times...maybe it was a mistake or maybe it was an attepmpt to be profound and mysterious and the character was in some kind of time warp...
House Of The dead- -10 stars
Ok now we have the legendary hosue of the dead...what can I say besides clint howard being desperate for money...this guy will be in anything...In this one he is just like in the last film except he is wearing a raincoat and a yellow hat...it is very warm outside and I am still stumped on why he would do this...crap movie...all I needed was for a bald headed singer to spring up and go OH WAH AH AH AH....that would have fit this movie perfectly.
fuck it..Im done I cant review anymore oft his...I think its because I forgot what these movies were even about...I rented them at THE BEGGINING OF THE YEAR...since then ive discovered much more...but all I can say is watch the two movies I listed just for clint howard. I also wathced one more about being Alone in a shark...but yea I forgot about that one completely.
Stay Scruffy!