Sep 16, 2008 09:37
I always begin things...but rarely finish them.
I've been going through a very "blah phase," as I call them. Right now I know it's primarily due to my seeming inability to get a job in this area. Even after a promising interview, I got turned down (I can't blame them, they have to do what's best for the company, but I've GOT NOTHING BETTER TO DO RIGHT NOW, merg).
So, with my seemingly endless "free time" (minus housework, of course, since I live with a man who seems to not know the meaning of "put it away"), I keep starting projects...and ending none of them. And of course, not one of said projects is really helping me at all. I want to eventually get a webpage set up, where I can showcase some of my art, and perhaps ask for commissions (especially logo work, since I enjoyed that a ton at school). In the meantime, I want to get DeviantArt stuff updated, too. Unfortunately, I'm a bad file manager, and my stuff is all over 3 different hard drives. So, I need to get those organized. I also need to get my wedding album created (sheesh, I'm lazy).
Amidst all this, I'm lonely. It's great when Steve is home, but otherwise, it's just me in the apartment, or running errands. I long for the companionship of a pet again, but they are not allowed in our complex. So the other week I applied to work at Petco (*fingers crossed*), and Steve came with me to walk around the store (and let me dream of pet ownership). They had some volunteers with dogs up for adoption, and I talked with the lady a bit, and she seemed happy how interested we were in the dog, but I commented that we couldn't have one right now. To this she replied, "you can volunteer at the shelter! They're always asking people to wak the dogs and play with the kitties!" I thanked her, and we went home as I pondered what she said. Walk dogs and play with cats? Sounds like fun to me!
So yesterday, I filled out a volunteer paper, and went to the shelter. The place reeks, but that's to be expected with so many animals crammed into small spaces. And oh, do the animals simply want love! Every dog and cat I had the chance to touch and show affection to seemed to love me even more than I could love them. I told Steve I think I've already picked the ones I want when we get a house, but I know there's a chance they may not be there when that time comes. I hope they get adopted, rather than euthanized. Yes, it's a kill shelter. It does not make me happy, but I also understand it. They have very little space, and older animals are so much less likely to get adopted. But anyways, I hope someday Mikey, Cara, and Dalton can come home with me.
My hope is to go at least once a week, if not twice. My reasons are actually many. For one, the animals need contact with loving people. Some of them were abandoned before they came to the shelter, and need to become more accustomed to people before they'll be adopted. Secondly, I need the time to relax and have fun, even if it's not with people. Thirdly, I half hope that by volunteering, I'll up my chances of getting employed somewhere (anywhere).
If you choose to get a pet, I highly emplore you to go to your local animal shelter first. Yes, the pet shops offer nice deals, but the animals are often from places that are simply breeders and some animals have poor health from the start. Your local shelter will make sure its animals have no diseases or wounds, has all of its vaccinations, and they are often willing to take the animal back if it proves to not be the pet for you. The shelter will also offer spaying or neutering for a cheap price, and often require it for the animals before they can be adopted.
Please, if you want a cat or dog, rescue it from a shelter!