Jul 17, 2005 23:59
Ok well here I am making a spontaneous entry..(and I won't mention love)..so today I didn't do all that much..
I woke up
Took a shower
Got dressed
Went to church
Came home
Got in thw pool for like 3 hours
Layed out by the pool
Came inside and watched some Blink-182 and Green Day music videos
Went to go drive my awesome VW bug..hehe...and the back seat/trunk..turns into a bed..i heart it
Came home
Checked my mail
Went to Taco Bell..with parentals
Drove around
Came home
Got on the internet
Got a phone call..so I got off the computer
Listened to the radio as I talked on the phone
Laughed uncontrollably while on the phone
Tried to say the word..'consciencious'..ok did I spell it right?..well figured out that we couldn't say it!...ggrrr
Got puurrrrddddededed at and made a statement that just sounded so wrong..i swear to you not like that.
And that was the highlights of my day
Okay yeah so that was just a random recap of my day...and it's ok that i'm weird cause you are too but i'm still loved even with my weirdness!..Well yeah..talk to ya laterz Love y'all Sara<3
*muah* <-----(noone has yet to return my kisses...sadness...)