Stock, Rachel McAdams & Kristen Stewart Icons

Sep 27, 2008 12:44

Hi everyone!
Long time no post. I know… but I haven't abandoned lj completely. I've still been making icons, whenever I have a free moment, slowly but surely. And now I finally have a substantial amount to share.

Okay… so I have classes four days a week and it takes me an hour and a half to get to school (two buses and the subway) and so apart from stuff for school, I get a lot of reading done. And the latest novel I've just finished is a book called "Dedication" by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus (they wrote "The Nanny Diaries"). And I loved it! It is the best novel I've read all year. Such a heartbreaking, witty, effecting novel. I recommend it to everyone! A really gorgeous book. And so as you know when something inspires me I make icons! LOL :D I made icons of the book cover. I was too lazy to scan the book cover myself, instead I got pics from the internet, so they're not the best quality.

Anyway… I also made some new Rachel McAdams icons and for the first time Kristen Stewart icons. I've been meaning to make icons of her for a long time, I think she's so pretty. Also with the Kristen icons, I came up with a new colouring that I really like. Okay, enough of my rambling, on with the icons! Enjoy!

15 Stock icons - "Dedication" Book Covers
30 Rachel McAdams icons
30 Kristen Stewart icons

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Stock - "Dedication" Book Covers



Rachel McAdams






Kristen Stewart






stock, kristen stewart, rachel mcadams

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