I have alot of these dayz lately...

May 06, 2008 12:15

 So...yeah.  Life is life I guess.  I dont know what to do with myself half the time because I dont know what to do anymore.  I'm just wasting away to nothing.  Why am I so worried about everyone else but me?  I dont understand why I do that to myself.  I need a change.  Im going to be 22 tomorrow and itz really making me think about shit.  I know it might sound dumb because itz only 22 but itz a big deal to me.  Im getting older and I dont like it.  Plus it doesnt help that I have all this shit going on in my head...itz like Im in too deep.  I need something, a way out.  Just need to start doing more with my life instead of being a lazy pothead, I need to be an active one, and yes itz possible.  Ive done it b4, Im just in a VERY LONG rut.  And in no shape or form do I blame weed on my being lazy, I blame my situation, which is also my fault.  Dont know what my propblem is about getting my permit, I think I put it off wwwaaaayyyy too long and now Im just scared instead of excited.  I hate being such a paranoid freek about everything, just wish I could let go and just do things.  I hold me back...GRR.  Pretty much Im just bitching about myself and how I cant do anything right.  oh man.  Just cant let go...of alot.  Something needs to smack me in the face and say "Do what YOU want, not what others want" and **POOF** Ill be better.  Ha if only.  But yeah.  Im not really done bitching but Id rather keep bottling it up like always...till I pop.

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