Alright, finally reached a lull in which I don't have somewhere to be (which is both nice and boring at the same time). The holidays have been really great so far. I've seen a lot of friends lately, including some I haven't seen in months or years. We've talked, had good food, good drinks, watched some fun stuff...I think this is one of the best Christmas'es ever.
I won't go in to everything. I think pictures tell it better anyway, so here are a few :D
Jules, as camera-ready as ever XD
Hanging out at Johns Pizza place, sketching in marks sketchbook while he enjoys a brownie.
Van, with the teddybear I made, part of the "white elephant" gift game.
Chris, with lots of balls XD
Katie & I, looking awesome!
Chris looking pretty.
Crystal & Moony, tru luv.
Katie said "look seductive". I've always believed in the subtle approach :D
Katie! :D
Van/Christmas hat, I approve this slash pairing!
Their faces pretty much sum up the entire party XD
Don't ask why they're all looking at me.
The sign in front of my neighbors house.
Bucca di Beppo dinner with Liz! ♥
The grandure that is the Pope Room!
LOTS of Popeness.
What I was wearing, because I'm a photowhore XD
Looking forward to the rest of the holidays! Going to the museum, then hanging out with some more friends. It's gonna be awesome! ♥