Finished my drivers training today. Sooo glad to be done with it, because I really hated the car we had to use. I mean, it's alright, but the seat was damn uncomfortable and I couldn't sit in it without lots of back pain. Don't think I'm going to be going to get my license this week, but hopefully next week.
Mom's doing an assignment for one of her classes that requires she read a bunch of kids book. I was very entertained when I saw a copy of Animalia by Graeme Base (one of my drawing inspirations when I was a kid), so I opened it up to read through it, and you'll never believe what I found!
Can you spot the Geek Reference in this drawing??
D is for Doctor and Dalek!
The E page had a little drawing of the USS Enterprise, too XD And I'm pretty sure that the guy on the P page wearing a Vote button was a reference to the Prisoner, though it was too obscure to really tell.
I've been making more bracelets, still. Just finished the Black/Orange/Cream one yesterday, now I have plans to make a plaid-style one, which will be a little more complicated. ALso made my sister two anklets, both in some of her favorite colors.
The RSA had a Game Night last night. It was so much fun! Of course, I didn't think to take photos until Van reminded me I had brought my camera, and by then people had already left, but still, some photos of the night:
My computer shipped yesterday. It's supposed to be here by my birthday *crosses fingers*