Series endings (not too many spoilers)

Jul 31, 2010 17:46

So, I finished two series yesterday, and started a third. I'm not going to post any spoilers in case anyone on my f-list haven't seen the endings, but here are some thoughts/feelings I had at the ends.

Doctor Who Series 5: Do you know, on a whole, I think this is one of the few New Who seasons that I have consistently enjoyed. There are only two episodes this season that I can point out as being rather weak (in my mind) and yet I still enjoyed them enough to reach the 'suspension of disbelief' aspect needed for me to enjoy a show, rather than sit there making fun of it. The ending of the series was NOT one of those two episodes. While I don't think it was the strongest or my most favorite episode out of Series Five (I'd have to rewatch the series to tell you which one that was) it was definitely a great balance of emotion, facination, and plain old Doctor-induced-delight. ♥ Ok, minor spoiler: I especially loved the dancing ;) Overall, I am OMFG SO LOOKING FORWARD TO SERIES SIX. Matt Smith has completely lived up to my expectations, and I hope he sticks around as the Doctor for a very long time.

Ashes to Ashes Series Three: Look, I'm just going to have to say this first, because at the end of episode 8 it was all I could think: somebody on The Railway Arms Forum COMPLETELY CALLED IT. I can't remember who, but I do remember that they completely called the premise of the ending waaaaaaaaay before series three had even started filming. So good on you, person, for figuring it out! That said, while I really did enjoy the end and I don't think I can think of any other way for it to have ended, I was left with a tiny feeling of dissatisfaction. I think because (OK SPOILER) I think Drake should have come back. It didn't feel like she was done there. She had the answers, yes, but I think the ending would have been stronger if she had returned. It didn't feel in character for her to just go off like that. The others, yes, but Drake feels like the type of character that can see where she's needed, and it still felt like Gene needed her (this is totally NOT just my Gene/Drake shipper in me speaking, but also from a story/stylistic sense). Other than that, I was mostly happy with the way things worked out. Also happy that my guess on who the "ghost" was was right too ♥ And OMFG SKEEVY KEATS EWWW.

Sherlock: I read somewhere that this is only going to be a three-episode special. I'm really disappointed with that, if it's true. Although there are some aspects that I don't like so far, I feel like three episodes just ISN'T enough to do any real character development with these fascinating reinventions of tried-and-true characters. Also, I totally called Mycroft ♥ Which made me really happy. I'm hoping that the very good reception it seems to be having so far is enough to convince the BBC to commission some more episodes. Looking forward to tomorrows episode! ♥

Anyway, that was my day yesterday. Catching up on media that I've been putting off for a really long time.

shows, bbc, doctor who, sherlock holmes, tv shows, ashes to ashes

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