More stuff of Antigua

Apr 23, 2009 09:29

How about a random selection of vacation pictures? From Aphid to Zenaida.

Here's one for my entomologist friends. This is a leaf of giant milkweed, covered in oleander aphids. But there are at least two other kinds of insects here? What the heck are they?

Here's a guy on the beach.

I really like this tree.

A person could make a coffee table book of the architecture of Antigua. Everything from broken-down shacks, to charming cottages, to fancy villas. I'd love to spend a day just wandering taking pictures of them.

These cattle egrets have found a creature that is more efficient at stirring up insects than cattle.

Signature feature of Antiguan plant life: horrible pointiness.

And this is why.

Look at the eyebrows on the one goat!

Bananaquit on a cactus tree (that rhymes).

Common Antiguan road hazards.

Driving out of the town as a cruise ship rolls into it.

Someone's private home converted from an old sugar mill.

Carib grackle foraging at the airport. This one deserves its own "More Urban Species" post.

Some rocks standing around at Deep Harbor Beach.

Alexis sits in the driveway waiting for a bird picture opportunity to present itself.

Zenaida doves, close relatives of our mourning doves back home.

id help, antigua, balanced rocks, grackle, bananaquit, cattle egret, alexis, goats, oleander aphid, doves

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