Jury Duty Random

Feb 16, 2008 18:15

My jury (the one I'm on) is still deliberating, so I can't talk about the case at all. Here's some other items of interest (or not):

The Norfolk county court staff, without exception so far, is courteous, cheerful, and patient. A bit of a change from Suffolk County (Boston).

The juror's instruction video is narrated by a judge in a high position in the state (I forget which). She is clearly an articulate and intelligent woman who happens to have an Elmer Fudd speech impediment. Being in a room with 160 other people all keeping a straight face while thinking of "Mawwiage," or "Welease Bwian!" was weirdly entertaining.

The large courtroom where they winnowed down the potential jurors (based on criteria such as "Do you already believe that the defendant is guilty?" and "Do you have any appointments that can't be rescheduled?") happened to be the room in which the Sacco and Vanzetti trial took place.

The judge presiding on 'my' case keeps drinking from a tiki mug. It's probably just water or coffee, but it's fun to imagine that she's drinking a Mai Tai or a Bahama mama during testimony. God knows I wish I was.

There are several good options for lunch and breakfast in Dedham Square, including the High Street Grill, and Giuseppe's (which, despite its name and Italian decor appears to be run by Brazilians). Stop by if you happen to be impaneled, arraigned, indicted, or subpoenaed.

I've spent the enormous amounts of downtime reading "World War Z," which my brother (brush_rat) sent me, and which I refused to take into my house (on account of the clutter). It's pretty awesome, if you're into zombies. Now Rebecca is reading it, and loving it.

I'll tell more about the case when it's over (which will hopefully be soon).

zombies, random, rebecca

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