From the email my coworker sent to staff:
Also, we have received a brand new baby red fox. She is about 13 weeks old and is living in WC until she is a little bit bigger. She will then go out with the silver fox through a long introduction process. The timing of all this is not certain yet, but for now she is in quarantine for 30 days per the vets orders. She has already met our vet and has come back with a clean bill of blood work problems!!! Yippy!! Her story in a nutshell is this...she was found with her brother at about two weeks old in Leverette. MA starving and covered in some sort of crude oil. Mommy probably tried to clean them eventually dying herself, but we'll never know. Both foxes were nursed back to health by a rehabber, but our little girl has remained imprinted while her brother is being released. She is very sweet. Come and check her out and wish us luck with the introduction.