
Sep 12, 2004 12:34

The Internet means that I get to interact with Creationists without ever having to go to Alabama! On a post that I made on one of my communities (I think it's an LJ violation to tell you which) someone commented:

Nice photo. Just thought I'd share some cool info on evolution with you: Darwin descredited his own theory later on in his life. He later turned toward Christianity. YES...CHARLES DARWIN. After speaking on "the holiness of God," Darwin declared, "Christ Jesus and his salvation. Is not that the best theme?" Yes! Darwin said that....the same man who propounded the theory of origins knownas "evolution."
Of course, they won't teach our children that in school.

I replied:

"Thanks for the compliment! I have some problems with the other things you have said.

Being a Christian does not mean that you don’t believe in evolution. The vast majority of Christians accept evolution as a scientific fact. The doctrine of Special Creation is a fringe belief, held to by a tiny minority of fundamentalist, who also don’t believe in that the Cosmos and the Earth are as old as the best science indicates.

Darwin, like most of his peers and family, was a devout Christian almost his entire life. When his first daughter died he had a crisis of faith: why would a loving God do that? His wife never lost faith however, and it is probably due to her influence that Darwin regained his. He lived most of his life as a very sick man, and probably found the idea of a reward after death very comforting. He never renounced evolution (actually, he didn’t come up with the idea, he merely theorized its mechanism: Natural Selection) or science.

We don’t learn about the religious lives of historical figures in school, because, in most cases (such as this one), it is irrelevant. "

I thought I left these people behind on

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