I took a walk with Charlie yesterday in the Stony Brook Reservation. With my camera out of commission I've been using my phone to take pictures. I got a self-timer app to take photos like this. Since it was overcast and raining with very low light conditions, most of my pictures are terrible.
The rain had swelled up the little streams with cold clear water.
I took this shot to admit that what I was laughably calling a hike was taking place mainly on well-paved paths.
This ceramic crust mushroom Xylobus frustalatus looks plump and happy.
I took several shots of birch polypore Piptoporus betulinus but they were mostly blurry. With the leaves off the trees, this becomes a very conspicuous mushroom.
A pretty and frigid swamp.
Also conspicuous, lots of false turkey tail Stereum ostrea
For a time I wasn't precisely sure which way was out. I call this one "last known photo."