3:00 snapshot #1345, #1346: National Zookeeper Week plus bonus piggies!

Jul 28, 2013 08:28

This past week was National Zookeeper Week! Our zoo has been trying to come together to find ways to celebrate it that honor the people in the career, educate the public, and promote the profession itself. We have a short video playing on a loop in the Tropical Forest, daily encounters with keepers who discuss their personal and professional experiences, and support from the zoo in the form of buttons advertising the week and social media announcements. Many other zoos had various events this year, and I think it's building momentum. Hopefully the public perception of zookeeping is beyond the idea that we throw fish to otters, shovel up after elephants, cuddle baby koalas, and get mauled by lions.

I haven't thrown fish to an otter in months, I shovel up after reindeer not elephants, cuddle baby gorillas, and I'm much more likely to be mauled by a hippo. Stupid misconceptions.

I did my presentation on Friday, fully prepared to talk about zoo pest control (no takers), give out stickers (90% success rate--who says no to a free sticker? some weird kids), and discuss the career (Me: "Do you want to be a zookeeper when you grow up?" Kid: "No, I want to be a dad." Me: "There are some similarities." Dad: "That's for sure.")

These are the new warthogs! Two young females from the Honolulu Zoo, getting used to the new neighbors, and in a few months, the new weather.

work, pest control, zookeepers, aazk, cars, zoos, pigs

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