Pop music

Jun 07, 2013 20:54

Sitting at the table, going over my journal adding new tags as you do, with my music on shuffle. A Flaming Lips songs comes on and I start bouncing in my chair. It has a happy triumphant melody, totally catchy while being surrounded by scratchy distorted guitars. (I love that shit.) I've heard it before, but I can't think of the title, and it would be good to be able to find it again when I want to feel like it's making me feel.

I'm a little stunned by the title when I click on the iTunes window. I've been putting my music up on my LJ posts, maybe you've noticed, maybe not, and I imagined what it would be like to scroll down one of my posts and see this title. I search for the lyrics and come up with this:

Cat killing dogs, pigs eating rats
every mouth will eat you up the king bug laughs
Belly of the heart Belly full of bats
the chromosomes seem not to want the fetus...

they beat you up
they make you leave
sticking needles in your knees
knowing God will be pleased
should make it easy

Snakes eating frogs, toads eating gnats
when the space ship beams you up boy, get drunk fast
Rubber bullet barn, titty suckin calf-
goats and roosters Bees and bugs Amoebas!!

They blow you up, make it breath
make it feel like a disease
and though its hard to believe it makes it easy.

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