I put the camera on top of the car, which was level but kind of low. I set the self timer and had us all crouch into the picture. As the seconds ticked off, my Dad's ability to remain crouched dwindled.
McMenamins is a chain of pubs all serving the same menu and same house beers, but each with completely different decor. We ate at four or five different ones, all with very different vibes. This one, the Barley Mill Pub was decorated all in Grateful Dead memorabilia for some reason.
We arranged a meetup with our Portland friends--here's Rich Mackin!
Back Stage Bar at the Baghdad Theater is another McMenamins. Apparently this one is in an actual back stage area of an old theater, with impossibly high ceilings for unique storage needs.
We sat near a gigantic painting where we saw Uhura and Scotty.