Jill instituted a rule that anyone late to class would have to entertain the rest of the class. Here Simon tests the process by pretending to play the banjo and sing, while Mary dances along.
The newspaper headline on my last day. I'd like to think I helped.
The plant with the white daisy-like flowers, growing out of all the stone walls everywhere in Jersey, is called Mexican fleabane. Remind me to come back to that, would you?
No idea what these giant weeds are. Impressive, though.
Another view of the mossy roof of the visitors' center.
And another.
The zoo was renamed Durrell Wildlife in 1995, making this lichen growth about 15 years old.
These black-crested macaques were very fun to watch. The young ones were quite playful.
Some of them had alarming backsides.
One was amusing himself by shorting out the hotwire with a stick.
We developed quite a homey atmosphere back at the Training Centre. I miss it.
I also miss Josh's food. I don't even like fish, and this salmon was DELICIOUS.
To say nothing of the brownie with Jersey ice cream.
I have really nice memories of this place. Thank you everyone!