While I was sitting in the car waiting for the IR rally to start, I heard a Something for Kate song. and I didn't dislike it. Then I heard a Muse song. and I LIKED it. Then something else spectactular and unprecedented happened. And I forgot it. Oh wait! Augie March. Heard. Liked. What is going on?
The rally was so weird. Only in Ballarat would you have to march IN YOUR CAR because it is too cold to walk. I was all for some chanting, and some singing Solidarity Forever, but no. I was in my car. Alone.
In other news, I haven't been flisting. Sorry.
In other other news, from my 6 years at university, I owe over $22,000. THAT IS MUCH MONEY.
In other other other news, Ylime comes home in 4 months and she reminded me of White Ninja. I especially laughed at
this, and
this one, and
In other other other other news, the end.