Mar 16, 2008 23:29
so i havent really updated in do i put it FOREVER.
maybe its because whoever i have on here, doesnt really care to know
whats going on, and i also dont really care to tell them.
lifes been life, its had its up and downs, but mostly ups...nothing to really
worry im thinking about transfering schools next year, to chippewa.
hopefully my mom will let me, i dont really like it at all at it really
does suck...the people the atmospher, the classes its just not me. not something
i really want to be around. and i know ive heard it already "its not a good idea to
switch your senior year" blah blah blah...i know but i want to make my senior year
the best year i have in highschool....i dont want to hate it just wish it would pass
right on by, i want to have memories and friends that really want me around and care.
and chippewa seems to be seems to be the place where i can get an uh-mazing
education and have some of the best friends. yea i may only know one person there
but im sure that i'll meet a lot of great people who will have a strong affect on my life.
and plus its not like really anyone at ed is holding me back there anyways. the friends
ive seem to have are just there and dont really care if i leave or not. its more of a "your
leaving...oh thats cool" or something...really the only person who seems to have some
emotion as to i was leaving was tim...and his reasoning was because the girls there have
stds...but i think thats only the populars..and i honestly dont plan on being one of them
anyways..haha..well that and i dont like the vag...xD. anyhoo...but yea other than considering
transfering schools nothing else has really happend...finished flordia shopping today..cant
wait for that....wisdom teeth are being removed over spring break...YAY...not...its not the pain
im afraid of its that whole iv a whimp what can i say...other than that...nothings
been going on really...i cant wait till this year ends..well school year that is..i hate my junior
year it just plain out right sucks...this summer shall be uh-mazing. visiting colleges out of state
and hopefully going to california to check out usc and sacremento state...if that happend, it would
be like zomg uh-mazing...and yes zomg is my new word...its gonna be taking place of like omg
and uh-mazing..because uh-mazing has been over used...wayy to many damn people use it..
what can i say im a word trend setter.....oh well....and if your wondering about the boyy single which im actually liking..maybe its because i havent found a boy
that seems really worth being in a relationship, sounds shallow but nobody really at the
moment seems to be really interested to me that id want to date...nobody seems to be fun
enough...theres not enough spontanety...idk...well anyways. im gonna kinda sorta
sleepy..and this post should be good enough for awhile...i'll some other time if anything
peace out bitches