Call for Submissions: Plain Spoke Issue #1

Sep 23, 2006 21:03

Plain Spoke is a literary magazine project The Appalachian Square Table has been working on for quite some time.  We expect to publish Issue #1 in January or February 2007, and then repeat that bimonthly or quarterly, depending on the quality and quantity of submissions we recieve.

Who we are:
We are poets, painters, basket weavers, musicians, writers, moonshiners, photographers, and other plain folk who recognize the value of nature, the value of our own humanity, and the charm of where we come from. We are not ashamed to be plain-spoken.

What we want:
how-to articles, poetry, short fiction, black and white photography, art, written-down oral histories, memoir, recipes, geneology, music reviews, the old stories, handcrafty articles about handcrafty people, folk art, river-mountain folklore, family stories, old journals, found photographs, old wives tales, festival dates, event announcements for summer 2007, train stories, coal miner stories, nostalgia, interviews with whittlers, quilters, and moonshiners, Appalachian Trail stories, ghost stories, regional humor, poetry of place, creative non-fiction, stories of Native American Culture from Appalachia, grass roots stuff, bootleg stuff, old ballad lyrics, UMWA stories, VFW stories, hillbilly stuff, Civilian Conservation Corps Stories, War stories, depression stories, memories, Trolley Park stories, flood stories, ephemera, and other rich, River-Mountain goodness.

Submission Guidelines:
We are now considering unsolicited submissions.  Deadline for submissions is December 31 (postmark).  We will consider any unpublished, original poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, or anything from the above list.  No more than five submissions per person.

How to Submit:
Email electronic attachments to before December 31, 2006.  We will accept .doc, .pdf, or .rtf files.  Any other file types submitted will be deleted.

Postal Mail: 
Send submissions to:

Amsterdam Press
6199 Steubenville Road SE
Amsterdam, Ohio 43903

Cover Letter including name, mailing address, titles of works submitted, and a brief biography.

Other Info:
Authors retain copyright after publication. 
Payment in copies:
1 copy of issue story appears and 1 year subscription
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