I finished the very basic outline of the five-book series this morning, so I treated myself to watching that movie about that lion and those kids with the primitive TARDIS. My observation:
Is it just me, or is the movie better than the book? The war seemed quite more war-like than I remembered it being, and it looks like they toned down the christianity quite a bit. Aslan makes a couple comments that sound like he's just a really powerful talking lion and not actually Jesus in disguise.
Also, I hate to brag, but I think my story will be better.
So where am I in the process? Still writing down notes. The next step is to work out some basic scenes I want to have in each book, then write sketches of each character, each place, each important artifact, and each major scene. From that, I can develop the detailed outline, then start the actual writing.
In cat news, the cat finally tore out bits of fur around his wound, so I know where it is and that yeah, it's a catfight wound. It's on his left side, but close to his back. Probably no internal damage, it just hurts a lot and makes him cranky. I saw him get worse, before I adopted him. About a year ago, he had a huge tear in one of his legs.