
May 22, 2011 20:03

When I posted about watching Jumper, vajrabot suggested I should watch Push. As it turns out, it's available on demand on this cable provider, so I watched it today. The two movies have different strengths and weaknesses. I thought Push probably did their action sequences in a more traditional way. It seemed like a better job, although if I'd seen Jumper on a larger screen so I could make out what was going on, maybe I would have judged it differently. Push also had a slightly less ridiculous backstory (secret government agencies instead of super-priests.)

It also had a richer backstory -- more elements. Unfortunately, I know this because they very predictably show off a new shiny thing in every other scene. I think we get an example of every psi type named in the opening narration. The whole plot felt like it was written by a bad RPG designer.

Also, there were several tedious montages where nothing actually happens, other than they play some music that's probably available on the soundtrack. On the whole, I'd have to say I liked Jumper better, although Push was entertaining enough.


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