Musicals Suck

Jan 20, 2011 21:15

I finally finished watching Camelot. Turner Classic Movies was running a bunch of Arthurian movies, which is one of my favorite genres, and I recorded several I've never seen, including Camelot, which I figured was famous enough that I should watch it.

I should have learned from my experience with Singing in the Rain a couple weeks ago, which I recorded and watched for much the same reason. I liked a couple songs from Singing in the Rain (the famous ones) and enjoyed some of the in-between stuff, but it was really slow and plodding, which is my reaction to most musicals these days. Which is funny, because I saw a lot of musicals when I was a kid and even sought out some when I was in high school.

I wouldn't do that now.

So anyways, I liked Camelot even less. Extremely tedious, and I didn't even like the one song that's famous. I know it's supposed to be a "great" musical, but itt was three hours of garbage, from my viewpoint. In fact, I'd say it's the worst version of Arthurian myth I've ever seen. And I've seen a lot of Arthurian films and shows, including the previous worst Arthurian film I've ever seen, Arthur the King, a TV movie with Dyan Cannon as a modern-day woman who accidentally falls into Merlin and Morgan Le Fay's prison, where they bicker and show Dyan visions of what happened in King Arthur's court.

I'm looking forward to the non-musical Arthurian movies I've recorded, to cleanse my pallet

fantasy, movies

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