Feb 04, 2010 12:52
Last night, I dreamed I was writing BBS software in Forth. Actually, it started with me getting a job with a former co-worker by lying about how I used to be a Forth programmer for NASA. And then he asked me some question about "how to bypass using syscall without using RUSH," or something like that. Relax, I only understand a third of that, myself. That was the point of the dream; I had to somehow continue the pretense that I had all this experience. So I told him "why don't you just use machine language?" and then went and Googled syscall + RUSH.
At some point in the dream, I decided what he was asking had something to do with sending codes over a phone connection without the modem thinking they were modem control codes, which is why I started dreaming about writing BBS software, because yes, when a company decides to write BBS software (in 2010!) the first thing they think is "we need someone who has experience writing control software for the space shuttle."
Probably the dumbest dream I've had yet.