A little tooo straight,yo

Feb 25, 2009 18:29

 You know how some gay men have the ability to act straight and be pretty convincing? I mean they can talk the talk, walk the walk and scratch the crotch just like the best of the straight variety but I'm of the feeing that they can still be spotted for the imposters they are. But as the saying goes 'it takes one to know one.'

I have (I think) managed to get the straight act down pat. Im not particularly groomed (basics covered but nothing too serious), I speak the straight patois pretty decent and I don't outwardly look very 'gay', so to speak. In addition I have very 'straight' interests mainly my fascination with all kinds of sport and my gizmo addiction and my sordid automobile fascination (torgue magazine is pretty sexy i tell you that). So I've got it covered. Seriously

So there's this guy at work, who I think is gay, who is laying on the straight schtick a littttlleee thick, if you get my meaning. The 'yo, bro' salutations. The constant arm around the shoulder when in close proximity. The gung-ho ness with the neanderthal straight speak when it comes to nubile females. It's all a little, how you say, MUCH.

This is of course in addition to the seeeriously bling Tiffany ring he is wearing, which was actually the first thing that kinda led my gaydar to go bonkers. That and the incredibly tight tailored pants.But wait, that's pretty normal for all exec guys nowadays it seems (no, I'm not complaining).

I mean its like my very own gigantic pink elephant everytime he swans by with a much too enthusiastic 'yo!'. It's gotten so bad, I swear I almost replied "What's up with you gurrrlllllfriend!" in my best Rupaul impersonation the last time he 'yo-ed' me.

So now, I'm left to avoid contact with him, lest I start cackling hysterically the next time he comments that the office belle is 'smokin'

Oh worse still, he calls something 'da bomb'
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