Nov 14, 2005 19:34
Well, I didn't crack my skull open this weekend, but I sure did manage to do some stupid crap. I had a blast at Stephen's house riding four wheelers and shooting .22's. The highlight of the festivities however was the big party. About ten or twelve of Stephen's best friends came over, each of them as charasmactic and hilarious as the man of the hour himself. One girl there named Lara was a really interesting character. She was a bit of a tom boy but man was she a looker! Long brown hair and a body that would make a super model jealous. But her physical aspects were nothing compared to her other qualities. Lara was really physical training, running about six miles every day and practicing various martial arts (I was very impressed with this part because I take Tae Kwon Do) and as I said before as charming and interesting to speak to as Stephen
But I digress. While we were shooting the breeze and mostly talking about how out of control Stephen's parties had been, our gracious host decided to break out his cache of left over fireworks. I'll tell you right now, I have never seen a more inventive group of pyromaniacs in my life! They would light bottle rockets in their hands, waiting until the last moment to throw them in the air and watch them explode. After that they eagerly grabbed a pack of roman candles and, squaring off against each other, proceeding to wail away with flaming ballls of fire! They did, of course, ask me to join. I gave them a very courteous reply and said I would be more than happy to join! Fortunately, I got away with a shot to the leg (which didn't even hurt at all, though it did leave a burn mark...) and a few near misses to the face. Arie and Stephen got the worst. Arie took one to the face and old Stephen got wacked four times in the chest. But amazingly no one even had a scratch on them!
We had some burgers and hot dogs after that and then we went out to the lake to shoot off "the good stuff". But not unlike the previous episode, the party decided to put a whole new spin on the idea of shooting fireworks. What followed was the most hilarious and entertaining display of possibly dangerous ideas I have ever seen. Bottle rockets would skip across the surface of the water, blackcats and other explosives would be ingited so they would blow up submerged, and when acertain firework was underwellming, its performance would be met with a loud chorus of 'boos' and humourous vulgarites.
After that we got bored and restled in the field until we were flat tired. Then Stephen suggested that we visit the old slave graveyard which turned out to be a lot of fun. Everyone was freaked out by Stephen's story about the one-armed voodoo slave that was supposedly doomed to pick cotton for eternity and even more so when we got turned around a bit and found a rotting dear carcass on top of a grave. But upon further investigation the next day, everything could be fully explained.
The folling day, Stephen's 20th birthday, we slept in, played videogames all day, pigged out on his mom's fantastic cooking and then went home after having dinner at a nice little Japanese/Thai restraunt in Warner Robins. All in all, a great way to spend a weekend