Sep 27, 2009 04:55
Ok. I get that it's trendy to name your kid something special and unique and all that jazz because you think it's pretty and different and special. But seriously. In my July 09 community there are some awful names and some responses to a post in pregnant just made me cringe.
What do you guys think about this trend? Not just the names but the odd spellings. I admit, my daughter doesn't have a name that is super popular like Jennifer or anything but it's not Cookie Cham'pain T'quila or ToeKnee either.
(These are not names I saw on LJ, for the sake of not starting a flame war. I work with the general public and Cookie, Cham'pain, and T'quila are all names I have personally seen, and ToeKnee is someone who works at our local neighborhood legal services. I mean I just CANNOT take ToeKnee seriously. CANNOT.)