Dec 12, 2005 03:55
I think I've found a place/roommate! :)
It's in Astoria, a mere 2 subway stops to manhattan and only 3 stops away from Hunter. It's currently in the process of being entirely renovated and is a good size (the bedroom is bigger than my room at home), although there is no living room. My roommate would be a 29 year old romanian guy who moved here 5 years ago, works in a restaurant, and used to be a house dj (hilarious); he seems very nice and laid back, which is veryyyyy good. Also, my room would have a fire escape that overlooks the midtown skyline; I forsee that being used often.
In other news, on Saturday I had orientation and am registered for classes! I have to go in again tomorrow though to talk with the romance languages chairperson to see what to do about a placement test for italian/ what spanish I should take. I was also told that my math placement score exempts me from all math forever!
Must sleep now.