warrior and shaman are the only two classes that i don't have.. and i wanted to have one of each new race.
well see what i come up with.. i do want a bloodelf though.. they're cute.
and you should totally get a shammy.. personally, i love them. its one of the more fun classes in the game. they have a lot of neat abilities and spells.. i almost abandoned the alliance once for a troll shaman, that's how much i liked them :)
they have a range of abilities that immitate other classes.. from priest, mage, druid, hunter to warlock etc.. they do a lot! :) besides you have to be mad to not want an HS with a 15 min cooldown =P
yeah but i'm sure that the fever will die down really fast.. its like when they make talent revisions to a class.. everyone makes one, but most of them never make it to 60. :)
how are mages? people complain a lot that they really got nerffed, are they really weak on bc? well compared to other classes i mean...
Yeah, that's why I've pretty much decided to make a draeni shaman, for the same reason as you - had a horde shaman I dropped after a while b/c horde sucks. And yeah, I know I'll stick to it and make him lvl 60, unlike most.
I don't know personally about mages, (I've only played one up to lvl 16ish so far) but the main thing is that they didn't get buffed as much as other classes, hence the complaints. Fire mages can definitely put out OMGWTFBBQPWNZOR dmg, though.
yeah i find that fire mages have a very low survival rate though.. they put up a lot of damage, but they dont have ice block, ice shield or all those other nifty things that lets them survive longer.
or maybe i just dont dont know how to play them =P but i had to respec to frost in order to survive in battlegrounds. :(
*throws salt on wound*
i was hoping to roll a bloodelf warrior, but according the bc webpage there wont be any :-/
i'm gonna make a draeni shaman though :D
i love shammies! i had one but the horde side is so boring that i decided to delete it. =P
And yes, Blood Elves cannot be warriors. They're too weak.
I'm debating whether to make a draeni shaman...
well see what i come up with.. i do want a bloodelf though.. they're cute.
and you should totally get a shammy.. personally, i love them. its one of the more fun classes in the game. they have a lot of neat abilities and spells.. i almost abandoned the alliance once for a troll shaman, that's how much i liked them :)
they have a range of abilities that immitate other classes.. from priest, mage, druid, hunter to warlock etc.. they do a lot! :) besides you have to be mad to not want an HS with a 15 min cooldown =P
I'm playing a Draeni mage on the beta right now.
how are mages? people complain a lot that they really got nerffed, are they really weak on bc? well compared to other classes i mean...
I don't know personally about mages, (I've only played one up to lvl 16ish so far) but the main thing is that they didn't get buffed as much as other classes, hence the complaints. Fire mages can definitely put out OMGWTFBBQPWNZOR dmg, though.
or maybe i just dont dont know how to play them =P but i had to respec to frost in order to survive in battlegrounds. :(
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