Shopping list

Feb 22, 2006 20:53

I watched Red Eye yesterday. It was good. Not as good as I expected to be but Rachel McAdams look so cute. I swear that guy looks so scary, I don't even think its because this eyes are soo light but just in general. Speaking of scary theres this movie clip they show on VH1 WebJunk20 and its poodles doing exercise, literly. I can't tell if its people in dog suits or whatever but its the weirdest thing ever. I am always watching it. The lady in the video has this funky hair and it cracks me up. Yeah little things amuse me.

My ♥ list

I was sleep talking when my moms was trying to wake me up and I ended up asking her: " which one fit you?" And on a seperate occassion I asked: " Do you want to try that on?" Yeah I need to get away from work cause even when I am not working I am thinking about it. Okay I really need to clean my closet, first off before I go out and go shopping. Its a total mess. Half the stuff is it big or too small. So I need to start my spring wardrobe early. I am trying to stay on a budget but I have been doing that since I started working and I have been saving so I think a spring/summer splurge is in order.

new york, bakers, movie, wet seal, shoes, guess, forever21, shopping list

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