Summer is over. :-(

Sep 08, 2015 15:05

Unbelievable that summer is basically over.  Still summer weather, but still, I'm bummed. It was the best summer I've had in years and can't believe we're heading into Fall already.  Oh well.

I gave up on the not drinking thing and losing more weight by last weekend. There was just too much going on.  I'd been a slave to eating right and working out in the past. I even gave up drinking altogether and avoided eating out whenever possible for several years because I wanted to see what I could achieve if I really committed to it, but I missed out on a lot of social things because of it. One thing that used to bother me was that when you get out of college, suddenly social life revolved around eating and drinking. People would rather sit and watch sports on TV while eating chips than actually participate in sports or other physical activities. So I'd eat my super healthy meals at home, meet friends out after they had dinner and usually stick to bottled water.

Now I'm less willing to give up on social functions.  I am still trying to order the healthier stuff and I'll order "skinny" versions of drinks, but I don't want to be a complete slave to diet and exercise. Been there, done that, too old now.  LOL.  It's all about balance and making the most of life and time with friends.  After living up north again for a while where I knew no one, I really charish time with friends much more.

Speaking of that, . . .   the movie screening in the cemetary I mentioned last time was a blast.  About a dozen of us got there early and found a good spot on the grass and spread out our blankets and beach chairs.  They brought all this unhealthy food (like chicken fingers, macaroni salad, etc.) which I didn't eat, but I did have a couple of glasses of wine.

Then last week a few of us went to a wine bar last week for a friend's brithday. I did eat there and drank a couple of glasses of wine again, but man, the bill came to over $500 (with no meals, just appetizers). We all split it, but there always seem to be people who order and eat and drink TONS more than everyone else and then don't put in their fair share for their excesses. One couple ordered a bottle of champagne, which is fine, but if you are drinking it yourselves, I'm not sure why you want me to help you pay for it. Oh well.  Always works that way when you go out with a group and I expect it.  Just a little irritating.

Then the next night I went to Sur restaurant for my birthday. Best meal I've had in a long tie and great service too.  Had a couple of drinks at happy hour at another place before, a couple of drinks after at another place and was 3 sheets to the wind when I got him.  LOL.  I was not allowed to pay that night though.

On Friday night I was supposed to go to this thing where they send out an email to about 200 (gay) people telling you what straight bar to show up at.  They send it out about 2 hours before and then the place gets invaded by whoever can go.  ha!  Sounded like fun, but it never happened.

So I actually had a pretty quiet, relaxing weekend, which is good.  My liver needed a break from last week.

Leave tomorrow for the Bay Area until next Tuesday, so I have to pack tonight.  Dinner with a business colleague (now a friend) on Thursday night, but the rest of the trip will be the usual of stocking up on everything they need that's too hard for them to shop for (probably including a trip to Costco), going through stacks of mail they never get around to opening now and making sure everything is paid, checking prescriptions and filling them, cooking them good food and freezing it, organizing, etc.  I rarely have a spare minute when I'm up there, but feel better getting so much done and knowing they should be OK until I can make it back.

I also have to figure out how to use Uber. I take it with friends all the time who are too lazy to walk, but have never actually used  it myself, but I'm going to use it to get to the airport and back. It's a lot cheaper than leaving my car at an airport lot, so need to do a little research tonight. Pretty sure it's easy, but I can be an idiot sometimes so just want to make sure I know what I'm doing so I'm not standing out front for an hour thinking a car is coming when it's not.  LOL
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