10 weeks today, which was the time I gave myself to get back into shape. Not exactly where I want to be, but I’m happy. I finally got on the scale at the gym and clocked in at 158. I remember when I used to freak out if I got into the upper 140s and don’t think I ever crossed over 150 before this weight gain. Who knows how much I weighed 10 weeks
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Like Mark, I consider it very important for an attorney to be conscientious and prove his case with Real Evidence. None of this Fuzzy Bathroom Mirror Shit, we want Real Photos of a Real Man. :-)
I'm glad you've achieved this, and am grateful for your _health_, not (only) your handsomeness. An extended family member suddenly died (entirely unexpected) a week ago Wednesday (age 38), he appeared to be in good/improving health, but his father has had two cardiac arrests, so one can only wonder. My point: you have been in intense stress during the past 8 years, and remain stressed in parts of your life (e.g., I think of your parents' health), and the impact of weight is a serious, serious concern. Since you've been in stellar condition, I hope you can find a good balance--not the effort that you achieved some years ago, but a condition that is good for your health and good for your looks.
Thinking of you, wish you a safe return from the Bay Area.
(...and did you go to the Warriors Parade? I heard a bit about it via _The California Report_ from KQED today, and a student employee at work intended to drive up and attend (He's a Lakers fan, but was captured in the energy))
Sorry to hear about your extended family member. 38 - yikes!
I have a good friend who was not overweight at all and actually in GREAT condition, but had two heart attacks before he was 40 and it really makes you think. With all the stress, chronic insomnia, work demands that had me sedentary sitting at the computer from 12 to 18 hours a day, and then putting on that weight, I knew it was a recipe for disaster. I used to always preach to people to do take care of themselves BEFORE they had health problems and had a doctor tell them they had to. I wasn't practicing what I preached.
I just got back from the Bay Area, but no, I did not go to the parade. When I'm up there, it's all about my parents. I stock up on a ton of things they need at Costco and other places that are just too much for them now so they don't have to go shopping so much, buy and cook healthy foods, take care of finances that I can't handle from here (I pay most of their bills on the Internet), fix things that need fixing, etc. My dad was driving around with a low tire that had a nail and slow leak and he didn't even know, so had to get that fixed, get a smog check, washed both of their cars, etc. I'm running pretty much every spare minute every time I go up.
Unfortunately, there was no time to work out and I ate some bad things, but I guess I was active enough to burn it off because I was down to 154 today at the gym. Should be in the 140s again soon if I can keep this up. Yay!
Hope all is well with you!
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