Was in LA for about 10 days until Monday. Last weekend Adam and I went to a 90 minute boot camp class and man, it_kicked_my_ass. I thought we’d at least warm up, but noooo. We headed right into it hard core and never stopped. No breaks. A lot of it was kick boxing type moves, crunches, dips, squats. It was hard core. I don’t sweat much, but I was drenched. Adam is in FANTASTIC shape (shredded) and he said the first time he went he spent the last half hour in the back laying down trying not to throw up so I was totally intimidated and prepared for the worst thinking I’d never make it through, but I kept up and was proud of myself. Not only that, but I thought I’d be so sore I couldn’t move the next day but I never got sore! I’m definitely NOT in my best shape, but I must be in better shape than I thought. Yay for me.
I headed to Palm Springs on Monday and it was 119 degrees when I rolled into town. Yikes! As I joked before, if I end up in Hell this will be good training, although I'm pretty sure Hell is cooler than it is here. ha! It’s too hot to be outside and despite the warm pleasant nights, the sidewalks roll up early here so there’s nothing to do. Basically, you end up not going anywhere or doing anything.
Headed up north again today. My father had an appointment with a cardiologist yesterday. He still works out every morning and was starting to feel pain in his arm when he was running or jumping rope and the doctor says it’s his heart. That’s the only time it bothers him though and when he’s not working he doesn’t feel it. Still, the doctor wants to do an angioplasty and put a stent in. There’s another new procedure I found though as an alternative called EECP, non-invasive, no adverse side effects, FDA and approved by insurance. Nothing to lose, but his doctor doesn’t do it and from what I heard, they don’t like to do it because there’s no money in it. Most doctors are all about surgery, so I’m headed back up and will help him find a doctor who does do it.
I went from barely driving to driving all over from LA to PS to No Ca and back again. I put about 2K miles on my car in all of the previous year but have probably put on about 3K in the last 3 months . . . and I hate long drives. Such is my life now though. Not sure when I’ll be back down. I’m just taking it as it comes - one day at a time. Yesterday I had ambitions of leaving by now, but it's probably about 7 hours so I'm putting it off and have now decided it's probably OK if I leave by noon.
garyjr is back! I never belonged to a website until I found Gary’s (now defunct) site. If memory serves me correctly, I emailed him first and then he emailed me back inviting me to contribute to the workout section, met some nice people there and that led me to LJ through Barbie (
queenbarbee ) who encouraged me to start a journal here and sent me an invite back in the days when you needed one. And here I still am. So you can blame them both for having to read my posts here over these years - it's all their fault! ;-) Gary disappeared about 3 years ago and I was kinda bummed. I knew he must have a good reason and thankfully I knew he was OK because of our mutual buddy
gypsy1526 (Kyle - who I haven't heard from in a while and will probably be asking Gary if HE is OK soon. LOL). Gary still working out like a madman and I’ve laid off some, but maybe he’ll motivate me to get off my fat ass and back to it again. Welcome back, GJ. :-)