I'm so tired of it. Everywhere I turn my head there is more drama. I'm suffocating in it. I'm drowning in it. And actually...I guess I'm being a little melodramatic with it myself. Whatever. It shall pass...
Canada was super fun. Jodie was ultra nice and hospitable. He took us all around London and showed us the University of Western Ontario, which is surprisingly like U of M. We went to Call The Office which was fucking awesome. It was retro night and they played all 70's and 80's....I danced my ass off. I even slow danced with a young Canadian fellow to "Purple Rain" ha ha, although the night got sort of weird when this same gentleman licked the side of my face. I don't know what it is that attracts this sort of attention...sigh.
Voila! Myself waiting at a traffic light in Canada with what Hannah and I call "The Pink Stega"....I dig it. I think it might be time already for a color change. Who knows.
Well. I better get back to my life per usual: Sleeping and working punctuated by moments of eating....Peace and love...