(no subject)

Sep 27, 2005 08:41

LJ Interests meme results

  1. belts:
    i collect belts.
    you know how i get doooown.
  2. chap:
    chap. hah, thats what me and whitney called chapstick. we used to have it with us eeeeverywhere
  3. deep conversations:
    deep converstations. i dont know when the last time i had one of those was.
  4. friends:
    i got a couple... i seem to have made some shitty choices in selecting them though. especially with the CUNT i moved down here with. i have one friend i know i can always count on... after all these years. <3
  5. love:
    im in love. whole heartedly in love. but hes 1300 miles away. its alright though, cause we will be together ooooone day. : )
  6. pictures:
    i love taking piiiictures. i will download the ones of me, amy & mary soon. they are HOT!
  7. rings:
    if i didnt loose half of them in the snow last year. i have the one john gave me 2 v-days ago with our initals engraved & also my clatter ring that i get many comments on.
  8. sleepovers:
    sleepovers are for pussys. hah, no. i used to love my sleepovers with like darc and whit.. and darcs mom used to make us chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast.. hmm.. with whipcream and syrup. what i would give for some of those now.
  9. sun:
    im a beach bum. i love the sun. but i will probably get skin cancer because of it. i cant go in the sun, or use my damn tanning sessions because of this new tatt.
  10. watches:
    watches. thats weird. i dont remember ever really caring about watches?

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