(no subject)

Jan 24, 2006 22:48

Life is a whirlwind.
It all started with a new computer.
Since Christmas I've desperately been trying to build a new computer. My want to escape from installing Windows lead to an obsession with trying to understand all of the *nix's in their many terrible forms. I ended up going with Gentoo. This project gave me strange control over my wakefulness and concentration. Usually my attention span is very short, as I dont like to work on anything longer than 15 minutes. However, over the past month, I've been able to spend huge quantities of time focusing on single tasks. Some of this energy has carried over to work, with the exception of the past few days where I've been unable to produce anything satisfactory. The main problem is that I actually lose concept of time, and the things around me, so I've become even more disconnected from the world around me than I usually am.
The first draft of the new GNU GPLv3 was released 2 weeks ago. The day before the conference there was a party put on by the Free Software Foundation, and somehow I got invited. A lot of MIT people, lawyers, ubergeeks, and just generally strange people were there. The Debian project leader called me a noob because I had an nVidia card in my computer, but I was ok with that, because I was trashed as hell on all the free wine.
The day of the conference, I also came upon some strange luck. I'd been selected to join a committee that was to review issues with the GPLv3. If you go to the website I listed earlier and click on 'Comments', you'll get a strange strange user interface where you can highlight parts of the text and make comments about that part of the license. Eventually, me and 5 other committees of geeks, lawyers and hippies will eventually read your comment and decide if it has any merit to have any impact on the license. At the conference the committee met in person, but now we'll be meeting via IRC. Today was the first meeting, which was somewhat chaotic. We only analyzed one issue, and analyzed it quite poorly at that. Hopefully future meetings will hopefully go better.
Tomorrow I start school. I'm not very excited about that really. Differential equations and English 2. I'm trying to write here in a desperate attempt to remember how to write. In general I just haven't really liked writing since about a year ago. I just stopped, and never started again. Maybe this will be the semester where that will change and I'll learn to write again.
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