Apr 19, 2008 19:01
Tagged by my brother who probably knows that I have heaps of healing time to do this.
A) List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B) Tag seven people to do the same.
C) Do not tag the person who tagged you or tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. I have a tattoo of the Chinese character for "wind" on my right shoulder blade.
2. I am half-Japanese, but I don't speak the language.
3. Even if I like to listen to a lot of rock music, I love to listen to blues during rainy days.
4. I've made most of my own pocket spending money through waitressing and art class modeling in my undergrad years.
5. Sunday morning is my favorite time of the week.
6. When I was small, I had a little garden of my own and I loved growing flowers. I remembered the statistics for every single one.
7. When I'm thinking, I like to flip a pen around my fingers to help the process.
Everyone I know have pretty much done this, so I'm not sure if there's anyone else to tag. I know Gaara hasn't, but I'd rather let him post something to say what the hell he has been doing for the past few days that caused him to get knocked out.
And Shikamaru, stop apologizing. You make it sound like I've just died and you were sorry that you didn't come to the funeral. I'm very much alive and I'll live through this.