Happens all the time. It's only news because they could manage to craft a half-way decent story out of it this time around. Russia isn't a super power but she's still capable of making all kinds of headaches for the rest of the world. Ever notice how every non-NATO baddie has an endless supply of Russian technology? It's no accident and it's still happening today.
Don't believe the hype about the Arrow. It was a decent plane and for Canada, yeah that's a feat in itself. (Not that we don't have the know-how; half the Arrow team went to NASA but the real feat is that our government even considered to go as far as it did) The Arrow was designed for a weapons system that was cancelled before they were finished building the thing! (Sparrow II - Good choice RCAF) It would have made one heck of a stern letter delivery system though.
Believe it or not, we actually are a decent spy country. The US and other NATO countries regularly use our capabilities when they need an anonymous third party purchase of some new Chinese missile or some-such. I've heard interviews with ex-CIA types admitting that we play a pretty decent role in the international spy biz. Who knew? We're not all good manners and tobogganing.
I think this poking around the North has more to do with Russia staking its claim to the north west passage. Their ships are out there all the time doing exactly the same thing as this long range bomber but you don't hear a peep about that. The rest of the world is trying to get the passage reclassified as International Waters instead of sovereign Canadian Territory. Once that happens it's a free-for-all for all the oil out there. (That's what this is about in my opinion.) The US is one of the biggies putting the pressure on to get it reclassified. If that happens then the entire rest of the world can overfly our border next to international waters by 300 miles! Not to mention the disaster of drilling in the North. You're going to hear more about this, I guarantee it. One more oil battleground.
Don't believe the hype about the Arrow. It was a decent plane and for Canada, yeah that's a feat in itself. (Not that we don't have the know-how; half the Arrow team went to NASA but the real feat is that our government even considered to go as far as it did) The Arrow was designed for a weapons system that was cancelled before they were finished building the thing! (Sparrow II - Good choice RCAF) It would have made one heck of a stern letter delivery system though.
Believe it or not, we actually are a decent spy country. The US and other NATO countries regularly use our capabilities when they need an anonymous third party purchase of some new Chinese missile or some-such. I've heard interviews with ex-CIA types admitting that we play a pretty decent role in the international spy biz. Who knew? We're not all good manners and tobogganing.
I think this poking around the North has more to do with Russia staking its claim to the north west passage. Their ships are out there all the time doing exactly the same thing as this long range bomber but you don't hear a peep about that. The rest of the world is trying to get the passage reclassified as International Waters instead of sovereign Canadian Territory. Once that happens it's a free-for-all for all the oil out there. (That's what this is about in my opinion.) The US is one of the biggies putting the pressure on to get it reclassified. If that happens then the entire rest of the world can overfly our border next to international waters by 300 miles! Not to mention the disaster of drilling in the North. You're going to hear more about this, I guarantee it. One more oil battleground.
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