Feb 16, 2003 12:33
medea was AWESOME. i loooved it. i wish it wasnt closing.
oodles of protesters and cops in the city yesterday. super crowded[more than usual]=not fun times. there were cops EVERYWHERE. like 20 per block. or more. madness.
sooo i got into the city and went to give carla the tape and then talked to her and christiana for a while...and terrence mann, ha ha! [for anybody who is interested, kyle, carla was saying she talked to stella and joanna the other day and joanna has her own band and is starting a tour and they just finished cutting her first song. and one of the guys from some major band-i cant remember...beach boys or something like that-is in her band ha ha, wheee] then carla wanted to take pictures of me and nan and i felt like an idiot because there were all these people around getting ready for the matinee lol but so we did that and theen i left and found my aunt and uncle and then we just hung around till medea...which was great. so yeaaah.
this is out of order...but friday night was crazily fun as well.....lots and lots of funny things happened but i feel i'd be repetitive and also late, sooo im not going to get into it...however, kait and joanne both wrote and posted pictures sooo, if you'd like, go read their journals ha ha