[...or at least, that I am]
10. You excavate your room enough to discover you have a trash can.
9. You have time to swear at the radio for playing crap.
8. 8:00AM becomes "early" instead of "sleeping in".
7. You run around the apartment yelling "I'm freeee, I'm freeee!" until the neighbors come to find out what the hell your problem is.
6. You start catching up on all the stupid little stuff you let slide while you were studying for finals.
5. You make lists of other stuff you neglected, which you need to maybe do something about before break is over.
4. You sit by the Christmas tree, shaking your presents for hours, trying to figure out what the hell they are.
3. You almost wish the phone would ring, so you could tell off a telemarketer.
2. You constantly check your character journals at
theatrical_muse, because the email comments thing is still half on the fritz, and someone might have decided to talk to one of your muns.
And the Number 1 sign I'm on vacation...
You check your email every thirty seconds, get very excited when there's something to download...and when it turns out to be a post to some Camarilla list you should have unsubbed from last year, you decide that nobody loves you.
Yeah. I've got to get it together here, and find something to do. I mean, it's not that I don't have stuff to do, there's just nothing I want to do. And I only need to kill a half an hour- then I get to go to the doctor and have that bump on my head looked at. The one that's probably a mole or skin cancer or something else fun.
Maybe I'll go to the bookstore when I'm out of the doctor's- I'm kind of lacking anything to read.