More gaming, with a side of angst

Jul 02, 2003 15:27

I've applied to play another character in twisted_hp, and have kind of narrowed down who I might want to play in the_second_war. I'm still having the great debate about Second War, probably because the field is still so wide open. Thinking up a second for Twisted was easier; I almost started with this one instead. Maybe I should have... Tabitha is so...barely skirting canon. 'Course, so is Twisted, but...

Yeah. I'm a geek. But what it amounts to really is that I'm bored- I'm horribly bored, actually. And it's two days till 4th of July, I don't know what I'm doing, but it won't be a thing like last year, when I was working the fireworks booth with Michael and Jonni and the rest of the gang. *sigh* I miss them. I miss the fun we had last summer, even though it was hot and horrible and some of our customers really truly sucked...

We had one of those big party pack boxes of fireworks left over, this thing we were supposed to be raffling off but which no one entered for, and since we'd paid for everything already (well, the school J. worked for had, anyway, and it wasn't something we could sell anyway), we took it and set everything off ourselves. Best 4th of July I've ever had.

I didn't get invited to parties before I met them. Now they're in Arizona, and I'm back to square one. Lonely. Writing and reading away my summer, wandering around town feeling so damn old, like it's been forever since I was the age of all the little teenyboppers who hang around the shopping centers and the movie theaters on Friday nights.

random, local

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