WTF, HP fandom?

Nov 29, 2009 16:33

Oh, HP fandom, I've been totally ignoring you forever, and you're still carrying on just the same. Isn't it lovely to know that some things never change?


Normally I probably wouldn't even mention this, but I just got up from a nap, I'm in a weird mood, saw this, and thought, "WTF?"

I was going to try and explain the whole thing, but I'll just link to the fandom_wank post, it's easier:

And then we have the OP's follow-upish thingy here. It's a lot shorter than the original posts, and I think it illustrates well the reasons I want to tear my hair out and hit my head on my desk repeatedly, because this woman is a MORON.

I'm not even gonna get into the whole Lily/Snape vs Lily/James thing. Nope. What's really driving me nuts about this is that the OP seems to think not liking Lily = misogyny.

ARGH! That does not mean what you think it means, OP.

Unless, you know, she's really into this whole Lily = Eve thing she's got going, and since Lily is The Original Woman Who Represents All Women, disliking her means you hate all women.

Seriously, people? Seriously?

If I wasn't used to this kind of nonsense from HP fandom this would be pissing me off a whole lot more, but it's still the stupidest thing I've heard in a while.

And I felt you all needed to know that. :)

fandom, harry potter, fandom is batshit crazy

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