Nov 21, 2008 07:17
So I've been meaning to update for ages- the usual, school is dumping work on me, we've had health issues around here- I have tendinitis in my left shoulder and am possibly getting a cold.
And today's Mom's birthday, so I was going to do my usual "hello flist, it's Mom's bday" post... but.
She was out on the front porch smoking a cigarette (she hasn't smoked inside since we bought the house) and heard a kitten crying across the street. It's a bit foggy and cold outside, and she called it over. It came. And started purring when she petted it.
So she put out a little dish of Sam's food and some water, and... the poor thing is starving. It looks to be in pretty good shape, good weight and all, but its paws are white and they're pretty dirty, and its claws are in about the same shape.
So, um, now it's in the garage with a big bowl of Sam's food, which it seems to love, some water, a cat bed we bought for Sam that she never used, and a litter box, which it knows how to use. And we think it might be an ocicat like Sam.
We're going to put up signs to see if anyone's missing a kitten, give it at least over the weekend for someone in the neighborhood to call us, and in the meantime it can stay in the garage- it's not that cold, and cute as the kitten is, it's not going anywhere NEAR Sam until we get it checked out by the vet. And we're trying not to get attached in case a.) it belongs to someone, b.) it has one of those horrid cat diseases, or c.) Sam hates it. But we're already kind of joking about how it could be Mom's birthday present.
One of Mom's coworkers is infamous for rescuing stray cats, so Mom's going to see if she has any advice we haven't thought of yet, when she gets into work, but I know a lot of my flist are cat people, so please hit me with anything you've got.
And either way, if the cat can stay here or not, we'll make sure it goes to a good place. We're putting "call for description" on the signs, 'cause I'll be damned if some random person just decides they want the kitten. I don't want to hang onto some little kid's pet, but otherwise, it came to us. And it really seems to like Mom. (Started purring before we got the food. :)
It's garbage day, of course, and the garbage trucks scared the poor thing off the porch once, but it came back as soon as the truck was gone.
So... I guess we'll see. We're really trying not to get attatched, but OMG it is CUTE! I'll see if I can get pictures later.
Anyway, have to dash- Mom wants to be to work on time-ish today, they're having a breakfast potluck for her, but if she's too late they'll eat all the good food, the turkeys. :)