I don't want to think or talk about school, or my life, so I'm going to do a bit of slightly out of date Alias commentary.
Part of the way through Sunday's ep, I was thinking that maybe I didn't like Vaughn too much anymore. By the end of it, I was thinking that I definitely didn't like Vaughn anymore. He's too much of a damned boy scout, and it's just...aggrivating. I am waiting almost gleefully for he and Sydney to get caught up in that little "don't screw around with people you work with" rule. I like Sydney, but aside from dating Mr. Boy Scout, she gets away with way too much these days.
There was not enough Jack in this ep. There just wasn't. And most of what there was, could have been done just as easily by any other character; they could've passed his far from memorable lines to Kendall, and nobody would've known the difference.
And where is Irina? And when is she going to shoot Crazy Uncle Arvin in the back, or... something? Anything? I miss Irina.
I miss Jack with a personality, too, but that's more likely to change at some point. He's at least a series regular. I have this feeling that Irina's time as a character may be limited. I hope I'm wrong, because I really like her.
Okay, that wasn't so spoilery after all, but anyway.